These terms and conditions apply to transactions placed online or in the store.
You must be 18 years of age or older to visit this website and place an order. This is not a pornographic website.
You understand and agree that you visit this website at your risk and are not offended by the products and descriptions shown.
Black Knight Erotica is an Australian registered company (ABN 107216811) and aim to provide the best level of customer service and care possible.
Products and prices displayed are accurate and valid to the best of our knowledge at the time advertised but we reserve the right to change these details at any time without prior notice.
Free Batteries does not apply to marked down Sale Items purchases when standalone.
Colour variations, picture quality and manufacturers packaging may vary slightly but should not affect the quality or purpose of the goods supplied.
We reserve the right to decline any order for any reason, and accept no responsibility for problems arising from misuse or incorrect use of products. Product descriptions are guides only.
All products are the property of Black Knight Erotica until payment is received and cleared in full. We provide a secure online payment system to protect your privacy, (see our Payments & Delivery Policy).
Prices displayed are GST inclusive but delivery charges may apply.
While we maintain synchronised pricing online and in-store, Prices shown may differ from the in-store prices at the Kilkenny Adelaide Adult Shop.
Where a product is out of stock, or upon testing batteries we discover the product is not working, we will endeavour to contact you to advise that it may be delayed until new stock arrives or if it is available in another colour, style etc to change the order, or if a refund or store credit is applicable, (see Returns & Replacements Policy).
When placing an order check that your personal details are entered correctly as we are not liable for delayed or non delivery of orders for incorrectly entered contact and address details.
Orders may be cancelled subject to prior notification by phone, email or in person but a cancellation fee may apply.
Customers must contact Black Knight Erotica within 24 hours of receiving their order if the product is faulty or broken to discuss the issue and to be advised if a replacement is applicable also you must have the original packaging. Products will NOT be replaced or exchanged under any other circumstances if you change your mind or it does not meet your expectations. Please see our Returns and Replacements Policy details here.
The voucher on the website can be printed off for 15% off selected products IN STORE ONLY but not all products are eligible for the 15% discount. The voucher cannot be used for the website. See Voucher Terms here for updated conditions.
Please choose carefully as Black Knight Erotica does not offer a money back guarantee. We will not replace any product if you change your mind for any reason, for negligence or by your misuse of products. All purchases are final unless faulty or broken.
Black Knight Erotica reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at anytime without prior notice.