VërSpanken WaterWieners Inserts (Smooth)

VërSpanken Accessory: “Smooth” textured “WaterWiener” Inserts. (INSERTS ONLY – VerSpanken Frame Sold Separately)

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The VërSpanken is a very different approach to strokers – simulating the parting lips of a real vagina, the VerSpanken masturbator has twin silicone “WaterWiener” inserts housed in a clip-closed frame that allows for adjustable pressure on your member as you stroke. Available in 3 differing textured WaterWieners: Smooth, Bumpy and Wavy. Measuring 5″ of strokeable lip area. Buy the other textures sold separately, then mix and match! These Inserts are also Microwavable and Refrigerator friendly – so you can incorporate temperature play too! This kit includes: 2 x “Smooth” WaterWiener inserts ready to go. Also Available:

  • Bumpy WaterWieners Inserts
  • Wavy WaterWieners Inserts

Made from 100% recyclable materials.

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Masturbator Entrances

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